DevRel Uni empowers individuals to break into developer relations, while also improving the overall developer experience for companies.
We provide top-quality education and training programs that equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to excel in DevRel, while helping companies and protocols foster stronger relationships with their developer communities.
DevRel Uni strives to be the global hub that empowers professionals and organizations to push the boundaries of Developer Relations
Code of Conduct
DevRel Uni Captains are community leaders. They are unpaid volunteers who actively contribute to our goal of building and maintaining the best community we can. Whether developers, artists, product specialists, storytellers, gamers, or non-technical enthusiasts, they are all driven by the same desire to actively contribute to the success of the DevRel Uni community. To sustain a thriving community, all members should aim to foster a welcoming and productive environment. DevRel Uni Captains must read and follow the policies and guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct. By participating, Captains are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms of this Code of Conduct. In addition to the policies and guidelines described below, Captains are expected to act lawfully, honestly, ethically, and in the best interest of the DevRel Uni community and its participants.
This Code of Conduct offers policies and guidelines that help Captains conduct themselves appropriately when contributing to the DevRel Uni Captains’ program, and ensures that DevRel Uni community welcomes and supports individuals from all across the world.
Any violation of the policies or guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct can result in removal from DevRel Uni Captains’ program.
Purpose and Scope
The policies and guidelines outlined in this Code of Conduct establish the expectations related to the conduct of participants in DevRel Uni Captains’ program, whether online or offline. This Code extends to, but is not limited to:
Any activities or contributions made as a Captain in the DevRel Uni Captains’ program;
The interactions with any members of DevRel Uni ecosystem or interactions with the public about DevRel Uni ecosystem;
Any communications in DevRel Uni social networks or related forums, person-to-person correspondence, mailing lists, websites, private forums, online chats or messaging, or social media posts;
Conduct at any online or in-person events, conferences, training, or workshops;
The creation of, or assisting others in creating, audio, visual, written, digital, or print material.
The Ethos of DevRel Uni Captains
Captains are critical to DevRel Uni community and have the opportunity to make contributions that will shape the future of Developer Relations. Captains understand the unique nature of their role and how their efforts will directly impact the DevRel Uni community, their local communities, and the evolution of Developer Relations as a whole.
Captains Participation
Captains are eager to proactively contribute to the DevRel Uni community. They make regular, high-quality, and meaningful contributions based on their interests and expertise. We definitely understand that once in a while, due to personal circumstances or holidays, Captains will have less time to dedicate to the program. However, after a longer period of inactivity, Captains will be removed from the DevRel Uni Captain Program. Captains are kind and supportive, and they seek out opportunities to help others, including fellow Captains, current participants from the DevRel Uni cohorts and alumni, and other community members.
Captain Conduct
Act with Integrity
Captains maintain high standards of integrity. Captains shall not engage in: misleading communications, knowingly sharing false information, intellectual property or copyright infringement or unauthorized disclosure, or misrepresentation.
Captains will avoid representing a business or organization, including discussing its products or services, without disclosing any relevant employment, or affiliations with the company. Any endorsements or promotions must reflect the honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences of the Captain. Captains may not misrepresent any organization as having a relationship or affiliation with DevRel Uni or create the appearance of such.
Captains will provide general resources and educational materials when helping others. Captains understand how a fair and balanced opinion supports quality education.
Maintain Professionalism
Captains act professionally, including when collecting feedback, criticism, or during times of disagreement. Captains may not engage in, without limitation: name-calling, hate speech, discrimination of any kind, verbal harassment, insults, highly sarcastic speech, rude remarks or comments; using emotionally charged language or tone; being disruptive to the community; using inappropriate language, including obscenities or sexually explicit material(s), video, images, or audio; engaging in trivial or unnecessary arguments; and inciting violence or threats towards others or self. Captains always use preferred titles (including pronouns) and the appropriate tone of voice, while respecting others’ right to privacy.
Be Resourceful
Captains understand their abilities as well as limitations, and they find appropriate ways to navigate through different situations. If a Captain has questions or is unable to utilize the resources around them, it is their responsibility to reach out to domain experts, community partners, or other Captains for assistance.
The Captains Program is intended to support the DevRel Uni community through the development of high-quality content and community contributions. It is not a forum for speculation, price discussion, or financial or investment advice of any kind.
Captains create a collaborative community where topics can be discussed openly and respectfully, without making disparaging comments. Captains are expected to avoid making defamatory, inappropriate or harmful comments, content, or any other material about other Captains, DevRel Uni, DevRel Uni mentors, partners, or any other participant in the community. Captains should not take any action which would reasonably be expected to adversely affect DevRel Uni or its partners. Constructive criticism is best shared in private channels.
Intellectual Property and Copyright
Captains respect the intellectual property rights of DevRel Uni, its partners, other Captains, members of DevRel Uni’s community, as well as those of any and all external parties.
DevRel Uni may request that Captains remove any content or material that is found to violate the policies or guidelines in this Code of Conduct, intellectual property rights, federal or state laws or regulations, or local ordinances.
Captains are prohibited from taking or damaging property (intellectual or physical), information, services, or accounts belonging to DevRel Uni or other Captains. If an Advocate does not return misuses, improperly shares, or pirates property belonging to DevRel Uni or others, or violates their privacy rights (for example, by recording conversations without notice, whether online or offline), the Advocate could be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including legal action and/or removal from the Captains Program.
It is considered a violation of the Code of Conduct when a Captain:
Uses electronic or other devices to make audio, or video records of a person(s) without prior knowledge or permission; Records, stores, shares, or distributes unauthorized recording of personal conversations, images, meetings, or activities; Creates, stores, shares, or distributes the created likeness of any person(s) without prior knowledge or permission. This includes, but is not limited to, emojis, gifs, and memes.
Captains are responsible for maintaining the appropriate security of their own property or any property of DevRel Uni’s provided to Captains as part of the Captains Program.
In the event of alleged misconduct, the DevRel Uni Committee will determine if the behavior is a violation of the Code of Conduct. If it is determined that there is an alleged violation, the committee will notify the Captain(s) accused, and gather information about the incident(s).
Captains are expected to assist in the implementation and adherence of this Code of Conduct by reporting any violations. Any reported violations and/or complaints will be handled confidentially. If a Captain is found to be responsible for any violation of this Code of Conduct, the Captain will be formally notified.
Any violation of the policies or guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct can result in removal from DevRel Uni’s Captains program.
DevRel Uni reserves the right to immediately remove a Captain from the DevRel Uni Captains program without notice or opportunity for a hearing for behavior deemed to be severely disruptive to the community, the DevRel Uni Captains program, DevRel Uni, or this Code of Conduct, or that is extremely inconsistent with DevRel Uni’s mission, values, and goals.
Violations can be reported to devreluni@gmail.com